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Friends of the Library


Teen Volunteers

Support Your Library


Friends of the Library

The Friends of Anderson Public Library is a nonprofit group dedicated to supporting and improving library services and resources. Located on the third floor of the Main Library, the Friends organize and implement their popular book sales and also help with library programs and activities.

Funds raised through book sales and donations are given to APL to be used for library programs and author visits. The Friends have donated over $600,000 since 1987. This money is vital to the continued success of the library's programming plan since tax dollars are not used for events and activities.

Sales: Every 2nd Thursday of Each Month. View our Events Calendar for exact dates. 

Time: 10:00am-12:30pm & 4:30pm-6:30pm

Friends of the Library Officers 2022

President: Kate Kalisz

Vice President: Irene Mayberry-Purcell

Secretary: Mary Trent

Treasurer: Linda Garrison

How Can I Help?
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Of course we invite you to attend the book sales! We also welcome your donation of books in good condition for use at the sales. The dropoff point is the library's checkout desk.

Why not get acquainted with the Friends by volunteering to help at one of the sales? All we need are four hours of your time, the ability to add or make change, do some basic lifting, and stand on your feet much of the time. We also can schedule you for an orientation/information session about what our bookstore operations entail.

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Our volunteers are an important part of Anderson Public Library.

Your skills and interests will be matched to a volunteer opportunity that’s just right for you.

Questions about volunteering? Call us at (765) 641-2456 or contact us.

Interested in Volunteering? Apply below!

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Teen Volunteers


APL Teen Volunteers help plan and run events for teens, from game nights and gaming tournaments to movie nights to Summer Reading.

Volunteers may also help with Friends of the Library Book Sales; provide feedback on what teen books, CDs, and games to get for the library; and help design library displays.

Teens who are older than 14 may also volunteer to help with events for children and/or families. If you are interested in helping with those programs, please fill out a volunteer application below.

For more information about volunteer opportunities for teens in grades 6-12, please email or call (765) 641-2456 and ask for the Teen Librarian.

Interested in Teen Volunteering? Apply below!

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Support Your Library

For more than 100 years, Anderson Public Library has been improving the quality of life for the communities of Anderson and Lapel. Your contributions are used to provide funding for the collection, valuable services, and events.

The library will continue to flourish because of the generosity of taxpayers, volunteers, and donors.

Here are ways you can support your library:

Give Money

Your tax-deductible cash donation is always welcome. APL uses your generous contributions to purchase library materials, equipment, and educational programs.

Planned Giving

Including APL in your estate is a wonderful way to help ensure a vibrant library for generations to come. Planned giving includes estate gifts and current gifts that may be in the form of a will, charitable trust, or life insurance.

Library Endowment Fund

The library is a part of a permanent endowment, located at the Madison County Community Foundation, through which a portion of its annual income will be used to fund library programs, events, services, and/or materials. A gift to the library's endowment is a gift in perpetuity to support library services. Donate to the Anderson Public Library endowment directly through the Madison County Community Foundation website or learn more about donating to the endowment by contacting the Madison County Community Foundation at 765-644-0002 or

Memorial Contributions

Honor the memory of a loved one or friend through a gift to the library. Contributions may be made to the endowment or used to purchase library materials. For gifts of more than $25, staff will carefully select materials and a commemorative bookplate will be placed in each item.

Donate Items

Gently used books, DVDs, Blu-rays, games, and other items may be donated to any library location. Materials may be used in the library’s collection or put in the Friends of the Library sale. Bring your items to the front desk, and library staff will help unload donations if assistance is needed.

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